To inquire into contributing to The Dark Abby Literary Blog, please first consider these guidelines:
1. Is your poem(s), short work(s) of fiction or book and/or movie review(s)of a weird and/or dark nature?
2. Is it your original work?
3. Are willing to lie if it's not?
4. Are you willing to take full responsibility should you and/or The Dark Abby gets caught for publishing said unorginal work?
5. Are you willing to never, ever be paid for your work?
6. Are you aware that The Dark Abby is a non-paying amauter market ran off of a Blogger site that you could easily create yourself?

If you meet these requirements, then:

Please paste your work into the body of an email.
Then email it to:

All copyrights remain with the author except for the non-exclusive first publishing rights, which means we have the right to show your work on our blog (The Dark Abby:, remember?) and then you can do whatever you'd like with it. Unless it's not your work, then I'd recommend not submitting it around.